Touchet Virtual Academy

Why Choose TVA?

The offers flexibility and customization in the learning process, which can benefit students who require a more personalized approach to education. The involvement of a certified teacher can also help ensure that the student is receiving quality instruction and support.

Who can enroll in TVA?

  • Any Washington student in grades K-12.

  • Any students outside the district will need to submit a yearly choice in form.

Who is the teacher for the TVA?

One of the benefits of Touchet Virtual Academy is that the teacher and course work are provided through the online provider. This means that students can access high-quality education from experienced and knowledgeable teachers who are passionate about helping students achieve their academic goals. The courses are designed to be engaging and interactive, with a range of multimedia resources to enhance the learning experience.

Benefit of TVA?

  • Each student can check out a Chromebook (free of charge)

  • Touchet's Lending Library

    • Students can check out materials, books, manipulatives, and supplies

  • Curriculum offered to students at no cost

  • Field Trip Opportunities

  • After School Programs & Opportunities

  • Extra-Curricular Opportunities

What curriculum is used?

  • Red Comet Online Learning Programs

Do students need to take Washington State Assessment?

Yes, students are expected to take SBA and WCAS. For more information: OSPI LINK